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BEE Digital Growth Blog: Website & Webdesign (2)

What is a Digital Customer Experience?

Tim Bittins | 5 Jan 2023

Customer experience (CX) starts long before the handshake on the day of the deal, the entry of credit card details on the checkout page, or even the call the customer ...

reading time: 8min

Zum Blog

GDPR-compliant website despite Google Fonts

GDPR-compliant website despite Google Fonts

Romy Fuchs | 2 Dec 2022

We all love the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ... or not. It makes it difficult for website operators and marketers to access the data of potential customers ...

reading time: 3min

Zum Blog

Attract Attention With Yellow Branding Design

Attract Attention With Yellow Branding Design

Tim Bittins | 30 Jun 2022

The Meriam-Webster dictionary defines colour as "a phenomenon of light (such as red, brown, pink, or grey) or visual perception that enables one to differentiate ...

reading time: 7min

Zum Blog

Why We Prefer To Build Websites On HubSpot

Why We Prefer To Build Websites On HubSpot

Giuliano Campaniello | 9 Jun 2022

Where you build your website is one of the most important business decisions you’ll make. The platform you use can impact everything from the user experience (UX) to how ...

reading time: 7min

Zum Blog

404 Page: Best Practices and Creative Examples

404 Page: Best Practices and Creative Examples

Natalie Majolo | 19 May 2022

Ah, the awkward HTTP 404 page… A visitor has used a URL on your website, and the server says, "No, buddy, that's not here." Others like to call this an "error page", but ...

reading time: 6min

Zum Blog

9 Web Design Trends for 2022

Mattia Suter | 24 Mar 2022

Web design is an art and often an understated one. It’s not as simple as picking a colour palette, throwing some images together and making sure there’s enough content ...

reading time: 8min

Zum Blog

3 Inconvenient Website Redesign Truths and What BEE Does Different

3 Inconvenient Website Redesign Truths and What BEE Does Different

Mattia Suter | 9 Dec 2021

If you want a professional, customised corporate website, you may be looking at a bill amounting to tens of thousands. If you've got that kind of budget, you'll want to ...

reading time: 6min

Zum Blog

Corporate Website Design-Myths | Best Practices

5 Corporate Website Design Myths you can Completely Forget About

Giuliano Campaniello | 18 Nov 2021

The need for a practical, highly functional and engaging website has been strongly highlighted by recent global events when selling and communicating with customers ...

reading time: 13min

Zum Blog

website strategy

Why Every Website Needs A Strategy

Mattia Suter | 17 Jun 2021

A great website just takes some basic coding, the right template, and a few hours of experimenting with different fonts. Right? Sure... ...if you’re an amateur musician.

reading time: 6min

Zum Blog