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BEE Digital Growth Blog: Webdesign

UX design: The key to customer satisfaction

UX design: The key to customer satisfaction

Philipp Schirmer | 20 Jun 2024

In this blog post, you'll find out why UX design is crucial for customer satisfaction and how you can make the most of it.

reading time: 7min

Zum Blog

Difference Between Customer Experience and User Experience

What is the Difference Between Customer Experience and User Experience?

Fabian Glaw | 20 Apr 2023

Customer Experience (CX) and User Experience (UX); you’ve probably heard these terms often and know they’re important for your business. But what do they really mean, ...

reading time: 8min

Zum Blog

Orange is the new black: 5 Branding Design Highlights

Orange is the new black: 5 Branding Design Highlights

Natalie Majolo | 13 Apr 2023

Welcome to the zesty world of orange! This vibrant hue has been captivating artists and designers for centuries, from the ancient Egyptians who used it to symbolise the ...

reading time: 8min

Zum Blog

HubSpot Marketplace: 5 Great Templates for Your CMS

HubSpot Marketplace: 5 Great Templates for Your CMS

Giuliano Campaniello | 30 Mar 2023

Without an exceptional website, does your business even exist? It’s your job to create a highly functional and customer-centric digital platform that works day and night ...

reading time: 9min

Zum Blog

5 Webdesign Trends for 2023

Tim Bittins | 9 Mar 2023

It’s 2023, and the internet is alive with web design trends that are all about creating excellent user experiences (UX). In just five short years, it’s estimated that ...

reading time: 15min

Zum Blog

What is a Digital Customer Experience?

Tim Bittins | 5 Jan 2023

Customer experience (CX) starts long before the handshake on the day of the deal, the entry of credit card details on the checkout page, or even the call the customer ...

reading time: 8min

Zum Blog

Recruitment: With Which Content do Employers Score?

Manuela Krapf | 13 Oct 2022

Recent global events have accelerated changes in the recruitment industry. It’s no longer enough to simply post a job advert and wait for the applications to roll in. Of ...

reading time: 7min

Zum Blog

Attract Attention With Yellow Branding Design

Attract Attention With Yellow Branding Design

Tim Bittins | 30 Jun 2022

The Meriam-Webster dictionary defines colour as "a phenomenon of light (such as red, brown, pink, or grey) or visual perception that enables one to differentiate ...

reading time: 7min

Zum Blog

Why We Prefer To Build Websites On HubSpot

Why We Prefer To Build Websites On HubSpot

Giuliano Campaniello | 9 Jun 2022

Where you build your website is one of the most important business decisions you’ll make. The platform you use can impact everything from the user experience (UX) to how ...

reading time: 7min

Zum Blog