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BEE Digital Growth Blog: Datenbasiert entscheiden

AI trends that will determine the future of sales and marketing

8 AI Trends in Sales and Marketing: Crafting Tomorrow's Strategies

Romy Fuchs | 18 Apr 2024

In 1950, the British polymath Alan Turing published "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" – a pioneering exploration into the mathematical possibility of artificial ...

reading time: 17min

Zum Blog

Everything you need to know about Google Consent Mode v2: A guide for HubSpot users

Everything you need to know about Google Consent Mode v2: A guide for HubSpot users

René Dallmann | 21 Mar 2024

Have you heard about Google Consent Mode v2? If not, don't worry - we've got everything you need to know about it here. Google Consent Mode v2 is an updated version of ...

reading time: 7min

Zum Blog

5 Marketing Objectives for 2024

5 Marketing Objectives for 2024

Manuela Krapf | 22 Dec 2023

As the new year unfolds, the marketing landscape welcomes fresh upgrades to processes, novel opportunities, and, most importantly, a chance to reassess marketing ...

reading time: 5min

Zum Blog

Data Mapping: Better Insights to Make Data-Based Decisions

Data Mapping: Better Insights to Make Data-Based Decisions

Nik Engel | 8 Sep 2023

In a world that treats data as the new gold, data-driven organisations don't just have a competitive edge; they're practically in a league of their own. Studies show ...

reading time: 10min

Zum Blog

What You Need to Know About HubSpot Revenue Attribution

What You Need to Know About HubSpot Revenue Attribution

Romy Fuchs | 31 Aug 2023

If you put 1 Euro into a machine and got 2 Euro back, you'd keep putting your money in that machine, right? That's the essence of why marketing and sales professionals ...

reading time: 9min

Zum Blog

Account-Based Marketing: What you really should know about

Account-Based Marketing: What you really should know about

Romy Fuchs | 27 Jul 2023

Account-based marketing (ABM) plays a significant role in today’s marketing landscape, particularly in B2B, where 94% of marketers already use this strategy. ABM is all ...

reading time: 9min

Zum Blog

What We've Learned From the HubSpot State of AI Report

What We've Learned From the HubSpot State of AI Report

Ben Klein | 20 Jul 2023

If you're a digital marketer, artificial intelligence (AI) is already part of your day-to-day. Many of the tools we use (CRMs, social media platforms, search engines) ...

reading time: 9min

Zum Blog

Hurry Up With Your Migration To GA4 (Google Analytics 4)

Hurry Up With Your Migration To GA4 (Google Analytics 4)

René Dallmann | 6 Jul 2023

Did Google Analytics 4 (GA4) sneak up on you? Or have you been aware of the impending changes for a while, but other priorities have kept it out of your focus lane? ...

reading time: 11min

Zum Blog

Cookieless Future: On the Safe Side with Server-to-Server Tracking

Cookieless Future: On the Safe Side with Server-to-Server Tracking

René Dallmann | 27 Apr 2023

Are you feeling the heat of the ever-evolving digital landscape? As online businesses strive to stay ahead of the competition, the once-reliable tool in our arsenal, ...

reading time: 6min

Zum Blog