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BEE Digital Growth Blog: Performance

Everything you need to know about Google Consent Mode v2: A guide for HubSpot users

Everything you need to know about Google Consent Mode v2: A guide for HubSpot users

René Dallmann | 21 Mar 2024

Have you heard about Google Consent Mode v2? If not, don't worry - we've got everything you need to know about it here. Google Consent Mode v2 is an updated version of ...

reading time: 7min

Zum Blog

5 Marketing Objectives for 2024

5 Marketing Objectives for 2024

Manuela Krapf | 22 Dec 2023

As the new year unfolds, the marketing landscape welcomes fresh upgrades to processes, novel opportunities, and, most importantly, a chance to reassess marketing ...

reading time: 5min

Zum Blog

What You Need to Know About HubSpot Revenue Attribution

What You Need to Know About HubSpot Revenue Attribution

Romy Fuchs | 31 Aug 2023

If you put 1 Euro into a machine and got 2 Euro back, you'd keep putting your money in that machine, right? That's the essence of why marketing and sales professionals ...

reading time: 9min

Zum Blog

Hurry Up With Your Migration To GA4 (Google Analytics 4)

Hurry Up With Your Migration To GA4 (Google Analytics 4)

René Dallmann | 6 Jul 2023

Did Google Analytics 4 (GA4) sneak up on you? Or have you been aware of the impending changes for a while, but other priorities have kept it out of your focus lane? ...

reading time: 11min

Zum Blog

Cookieless Future: On the Safe Side with Server-to-Server Tracking

Cookieless Future: On the Safe Side with Server-to-Server Tracking

René Dallmann | 27 Apr 2023

Are you feeling the heat of the ever-evolving digital landscape? As online businesses strive to stay ahead of the competition, the once-reliable tool in our arsenal, ...

reading time: 6min

Zum Blog

Cookieless tracking: definition and its scope

Cookieless tracking: definition and its scope

Sascha Geilenkirchen | 9 Feb 2023

In an increasingly digital world, collecting data and tracking user behaviour has become an essential activity for many organisations. Cookies are a commonly used tool ...

reading time: 7min

Zum Blog

HubSpot Reporting | Best Practices

HubSpot Reporting: Best Practices and Things You Must Know

Romy Fuchs | 15 Sep 2022

Sales and marketing reports are powerful tools you can rely on when making essential business decisions and planning for the future. Each campaign you launch opens the ...

reading time: 10min

Zum Blog

Challenges in Sales: How to solve 5 common problems

Challenges in Sales: How to solve 5 common problems

Pascal Bänninger | 11 Aug 2022

A career in sales is, without a doubt, a challenging one. It requires an adaptable mindset, a tonne of objectivity and unfailing optimism. With 60% of buyers saying 'no' ...

reading time: 10min

Zum Blog

HubSpot Implementation Checklist | BEE

The Ultimate HubSpot Implementation Checklist for Marketing

Romy Fuchs | 23 Jun 2022

All new business software solutions are vulnerable to one key factor: the implementation process. Get this wrong, and you may as well have bought an untamed monkey as ...

reading time: 8min

Zum Blog
